
Showing posts from August, 2024

Retiring. Last Event.

Alright, you might have probably seen the title, so I am going to explain in detail right here: This will be my last event I will ever be participating in, and also some of my final moments in this server, because I am going to retire. But unlike others that retire without doing anything to celebrate them retiring, I decided that I wanted to retire from the server with a banger of an event. You are probably wondering "why are you retiring?" the reason is, I only have one more year of high school left, and that means college is starting to approach, and time is starting to run out, and I need to start focusing on myself more than ever, which leaves me the only option on retiring from this server so I can focus on myself more. So that's why I am retiring. But like I said, I want to retire after one last event that I want to host for you all, so we can celebrate! So I proudly present... HrishK's Last Event - The Small Hits Madness   There are gonna be 16 total participan